Friday, December 21, 2012

Virgo 3.6.0 released

Virgo 3.6.0 is available for download. Although the release includes many small enhancements and bug fixes, some major new features are worth highlighting and there is one smaller one I'd like to draw to the attention of Windows users.

Mike Milinkovich, the Executive Director of the Eclipse Foundation, spoke of Virgo 3.6.0 in his recent JAX interview:

"A third important milestone was SAP shipping its Netweaver Cloud offering based on the Eclipse Virgo project. Having a major vendor basing such a significant product on Eclipse runtime technologies is a great endorsement of the work that the Eclipse RT community has been doing for several years."
So, let's look at the new features.

Java Enterprise APIs

The Virgo Nano Web distribution now integrates several open source Java Enterprise API implementations which will reduce the barrier to entry for a large class of existing applications.

The SAP NetWeaver Cloud platform, which uses Virgo Nano Web as its application server, has been certified against the Java EE Web Profile. Although Virgo has not been certified, I'm optimistic that if Virgo eventually gains access to the Web Profile TCK (discussed by the Eclipse Board in June), it shouldn't be too onerous to get it to pass. Until such time as we certify Virgo, we have to be careful not to claim support for the relevant APIs. Please see the release notes for further details of the APIs and implementations involved.

Virgo continues its first class support for Spring by embedding Spring framework 3.1 and supporting Spring framework 3.2 in the kernel-based deliverables.

Virgo users now have the choice of using Spring or Java Enterprise APIs to develop Virgo applications. Alternatively, they are free to take the minimal Nano or kernel deliverables and build their own custom runtimes, like Infor did with their ION server.

See the Virgo feature summary for a comparison of the various Virgo deliverables.

New Web Admin Console

This began life as a skunk-works project by my colleague Chris Frost. The new web admin console is an AJAJ application backed by the Jolokia OSGi agent paired with Gemini Management. Gemini Management and the Virgo kernel publish JMX mbeans which enable Virgo to be managed and inspected. Jolokia provides JSON access to those mbeans which are then available to the JavaScript running in the admin console. Again, more of this in the release notes and an upcoming blog from Chris - meanwhile here's an earlier blog.

We are particularly fond of the OSGi explorer which provides a graphical depiction of package and service wirings. The initial prototype was implemented by David Normington during a short internship here at SpringSource. Below is an example package wiring diagram.

We had lots of fun testing and fixing the admin console (especially on IE), but we are rather pleased with the result. It seems to push the SVG implementations fairly hard though. Take this example of large "fan-out":

If we scroll to the far left on Safari, the Bezier curves are nice and smooth:

Compare the result in Chrome:

Again see the release notes for more details and screenshots.

The master stroke of the new web admin console is that by minimising its dependencies (shown below), it is now available in all Virgo runtimes, right down to Nano, and smoothly degrades on Nano and Nano Web by omitting panels which are only relevant to kernel and above. Where a web container is not provided by the runtime, on Nano and the kernel, we use the Equinox HTTP Service to host the admin console.

Java 7 Support

This is boring but important since Java 6 public updates cease in February 2013. The Hudson jobs for Virgo run under Java 7, but we still do local builds and releases under Java 6 to ensure both versions work well.

Kernel Deployer Pathname Reduction

This is the smaller feature to make the lives of Windows users a bit easier and which satisfied a long-standing requirement.

Firstly, the kernel deployer uses shorter paths for storing copies of deployer artefacts.

Secondly, users can configure the kernel deployer to deploy bundles in packed form, which avoids the potentially long paths involved in exploded directories. Deploying in exploded form is still the default because deploying web applications packed changes their behaviour: certain servlet API methods return null when a web application is deployed packed. See "Configuring Deployment" in the section "Configuring the Kernel and User Region" in the Virgo User Guide for details.


All in all Virgo 3.6.0 is a significant release and should make Virgo attractive to a broader range of users and applications. We expect Virgo 3.7.0 to improve on 3.6.0 incrementally and we welcome bug and enhancement reports based on your experience of using 3.6.0.

Can you add your project to the Virgo powered list (on the Virgo home page) in 2013?

Friday, November 16, 2012

Virgo at the Core of SAP's Cloud

Congratulations to SAP on delivering Netweaver Cloud! The SAP committers have been a great asset to the Virgo team and it's good to see their hard work finally paying off for SAP.

Virgo is the core of SAP Netweaver Cloud or, less formally, Neo. More precisely, they are using the Virgo Nano Web deliverable which can be provisioned to their cloud VMs using p2 and which supports OSGi applications and applications written to the Java EE Web Profile. They've blogged about certifying Netweaver Cloud and now appear on the Java EE compatibility page.

Here's a short video where Harald Mueller, Chief Product Owner for SAP NetWeaver Cloud, mentions the use of Virgo and some of the benefits from his point of view - the section from 4:18 to 6:55 was of most interest to me: click here to watch.

Neo's business proposition is to encourage application developers to participate in the "SAP Store" by developing applications to run on Virgo in the cloud. They are emphasising open standards and open source to break out of SAP's proprietary image. Not only do they plan to attach a large number of application developers, they have a stretch goal of 1 billion users.

Neo's current architecture deploys each application to one or more virtual machines, each running one instance of Virgo Nano Web. AFAIK there is no support for multi-tenancy and popular applications will require load balancing across multiple Virgo instances, so the overall memory consumption looks pretty high. To scale up to large numbers of applications, not to speak of a billion users, multi-tenancy will be critical.

There are two clear options for multi-tenancy: multiple Virgo instances per virtual machine and multiple applications per Virgo instance. The former offers better failure isolation via operating system processes whereas the latter sacrifices strict isolation in order to share the overheads of JVM plus Virgo componentry. It will be interesting to see which approach they adopt. I'm particularly intrigued to see if they exploit the Virgo kernel's scoping mechanisms, regions, or OSGi subsystems to achieve multi-tenancy in a Virgo instance.

Friday, October 12, 2012

How are you using Virgo?

Following on from the nice write-up about the use of Virgo by Croatian Telecom, I'd like to encourage others who have not already done so to provide a brief summary of how they are using Virgo. If you can include a company or project name, so much the better. Numbers of servers, users, and applications are helpful if you have them to hand as are peak traffic rates. A frank summary of the pro's and con's of Virgo and OSGi will help others who are assessing the technology. Also, mentioning some of the specific 3rd party components you are successfully using gives others an idea whether what they'd like to do is feasible.

I can link helpful write-ups which include company or project names from the "Virgo Powered" list of the Virgo home page, so you get some free marketing out of this. If you can place your write-up on a personal or company blog, I can link to that too, thus helping to increase your inbound links and traffic.

This is a great, low-cost way to contribute something back to the Virgo community, even if you never answer a forum thread, raise a bug, or send in a patch. Please take a few minutes to do a write-up if you feel you can.

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Virgo Ships in VMware vSphere 5.1

Apart from all those v's, what do VMware vSphere and Virgo have in common? Well you won't be surprised to learn that VMware, as well as contributing to the Virgo project, have shipped Virgo as part of their flagship virtualisation product vSphere 5.1. Virgo provides the web server for the vSphere Web Client.

VMware chose Virgo in order to make the Web Client UI extensible. Users can write plugins defining Web Client extension points and containing WAR files, OSGi bundles and extension point configurations in order to supply Adobe Flex UI components and custom data services used by the UI.

Plugins are registered with a vCenter Server and are automatically deployed to Virgo instances which connect to the vCenter Server. The result is a customisable UI and a customisable data layer that can serve up data either from the VMware Inventory Service or some other remote data source.

Users can develop WAR files and OSGi bundles using the Virgo IDE tooling and VMware provides the configured Virgo server (known as Serenity), an SDK for developing extensions, and full documentation. See the SDK download page for these.

Full documentation is provided in the vSphere Web Client Extensions Programming Guide.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Virgo 3.6.0.M01 ships with some juicy new features

Virgo 3.6.0.M01 is released and features upgrades to Tomcat (bringing with it web sockets support), Spring, Gemini Web, and Gemini Management.

It includes a completely new admin console with an interesting, minimal architecture which enables it to run on the kernel as well as the Tomcat and Jetty based deliverable. See Christ Frost's blog for more details.

There is also improved Windows support by shortening some of the path names in Virgo's work directory. You can also deploy bundles and WAR files in packed form if you choose to.

The Nano hot deployer also has new support for initial bulk deployment of multiple bundles, particularly useful when they have dependencies between them.

Quite a fun set of features all in all, plus plenty of bug fixes and other improvements.

Please see the release notes for more details or just head over to the milestone download page to get going.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Twelve-Factor Web Apps in Java

A colleague mentioned the Twelve-Factor App site which gives some design guidelines for building web apps. The Dependencies guideline has the following intriguing paragraph:

"A twelve-factor app never relies on implicit existence of system-wide packages. It declares all dependencies, completely and exactly, via a dependency declaration manifest. Furthermore, it uses a dependency isolation tool during execution to ensure that no implicit dependencies “leak in” from the surrounding system. The full and explicit dependency specification is applied uniformly to both production and development."

What would this mean for a Java app? It's more than just using a build tool such as Maven to declare dependencies using explicit coordinates since there is mention of a "dependency isolation tool" at runtime. Well, I think OSGi is the only viable way of implementing this guideline in Java (unless you fancy re-implementing something like the OSGi modularity layer using custom class loaders). The author, Adam Wiggins, makes no mention of OSGi, so presumably he has written Java off as an implementation language. Or does he have some other modularity technology in mind for Java? It would be interesting to know.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Virgo 3.5.0 with Nano Technology

Virgo 3.5.0.RELEASE is available for download.

Although the deliverables are mostly backward compatible with Virgo 3.0.x, we decided to indicate the importance of the release by bumping the version from 3.0 to 3.5.

All Virgo deliverables are now launched using the Equinox launcher and have a corresponding directory structure which is slightly different from that of 3.0.x. All the deliverables can all be initially provisioned using p2, which is useful, for instance, when setting up remote nodes or automating installation.

There are two new deliverables which the team is pretty excited about. Virgo nano is a cut-down subset of the kernel. It supports hot deployment of bundles via the pickup directory, the Gogo shell, a single (kernel) region, and the medic component which provides Virgo's basic diagnostic capabilities.

The second new deliverable is Nano Web which is essentially Gemini Web -- the Apache Tomcat based reference implementation of the OSGi Web Applications specification -- running on Nano. In addition to Nano's features, Nano Web supports hot deployment of Web Application Bundles and WAR files.

Compared to the kernel-based deliverables, which are already pretty small and fast, Nano starts much faster and has a much smaller footprint as the following charts indicate.1

Both Nano and Nano Web can be provisioned with application bundles at runtime using p2. The kernel based deliverables can only be initially provisioned using p2. Applications are then deployed into the user region in the usual way. This provisioning limitation in p2 triggered the initial development of Nano, although Nano soon appeared to have other benefits such as smaller runtime footprint (particularly important in the cloud) and the possibility of using PDE for bundle development. Also, Nano Web is likely to integrate additional enterprise Java components in the future to support applications written for the Java EE web profile.

There are a number of other interesting features in 3.5.0 including integrated support for the OSGi Blueprint Service, several significant kernel enhancements, and various dependency upgrades - all described in the release notes.

Additionally, Virgo Bundlor 1.1.1 and the Greenpages 2.5.0 sample application are released in association with Virgo 3.5.0.

In parallel with the development of Virgo 3.5.0, the Virgo IDE tooling has been overhauled and will be released in the next few weeks. Meanwhile you can use milestones and snapshots of the new tooling as described on the tooling wiki page.

Please see the release notes for further details of Virgo 3.5.0 and the migration notes for information about upgrading from Virgo 3.0.x.

  1. Startup times are approximate. Measurements were taken using Mac OS X 10.7.4, and Java 1.6.0_33 on a Mac Pro with 12 GB RAM and 2 x 2.66 GHz dual core Intel Xeon processors.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

OSGi case study: a modular vert.x

OSGi enables Java code to be divided cleanly into modules known as bundles with access to code and resources controlled by a class loader for each bundle. OSGi services provide an additional separation mechanism: the users of an interface need have no dependency on implementation classes, factories, and so forth.

The following case study aims to make the above advantages of OSGi bundles and services concrete. It takes an interesting Java project, vert.x, and shows how it can be embedded in OSGi and take advantage of OSGi's facilities.

Disclaimer: I am not proposing to replace the vert.x container or its module system. This is primarily a case study in the use of OSGi although some of the findings should motivate improvements to vert.x, especially when it is embedded in applications with custom class loaders.


The vert.x open source project provides a JVM alternative to node.js: an asynchronous, event-driven programming model for writing web applications in a number of languages including Java, Groovy, JavaScript, and Ruby.

vert.x supports HTTP as well as modern protocols such as WebSockets and sockjs (which works in more browsers than WebSockets and can traverse firewalls more easily).

vert.x has a distributed event bus which allows JSON messages to be propagated between vert.x applications known as verticles and shared code libraries known as busmods. A busmod is a special kind of verticle which handles events from the event bus. vert.x ships some busmods, such as a MongoDB 'persistor', and users can write their own.

vert.x components

vert.x's threading model is interesting as each verticle (or busmod) is bound to a particular thread for its lifetime and so the code of a verticle needn't be concerned about thread safety. A pool of threads is used for dispatching work on verticles and each verticle must avoid blocking or long-running operations so as not to impact server throughput (vert.x provides separate mechanisms for implementing long-running operations efficiently). This is similar to the quasi-reentrant threading model in the CICS transaction processor.1

Of particular interest here is the vert.x module system which has a class loader per verticle and code libraries, known as modules, which are loaded into the class loader of each verticle which uses them. So there is no way to share code between verticles except via the event bus.

vert.x has excellent documentation including a main manual, a java manual (as well as manuals for other language), tutorials, and runnable code examples.


If you're not already familiar with OSGi, read my OSGi introduction post, but don't bother following the links in that post right now - you can always go back and do that later.

Embedding vert.x in OSGi

I did this in several small steps which are presented in turn below: converting vert.x JARs to OSGi bundles and then modularising verticles, busmods, and event bus clients.

Converting vert.x JARs to OSGi Bundles

The vert.x manual encourages users to embed vert.x in their own applications by using the vert.x core JAR, so the first step in embedding vert.x in OSGi was to convert the vert.x core JAR into an OSGi bundle so it could be loaded into an OSGi runtime.

I used the bundlor tool, although other tools such as bnd would work equally well. Bundlor takes a template and then analyses the bytecode of the JAR to produce a new JAR with appropriate OSGi manifest headers. Please refer to the SpringSource Bundlor documentation for further information about bundlor for now as the Eclipse Virgo Bundlor documentation is not published at the time of writing even though the bundlor project has transferred to

The template for the vert.x core JAR is as follows:

Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-SymbolicName: org.vertx.core
Bundle-Name: vert.x Core
Export-Template: *;version=""

(The template and all the other parts of this case study are available on github.)

What this does is define the valid range of versions for packages that the JAR depends on (the range "0" represents the version range of 0 or greater), whether those packages are optional or mandatory, and what version the JARs own packages should be exported at. It also gives the bundle a symbolic name (used to identify the bundle), a version, and a (descriptive) name. Armed with this information, OSGi then wires together the dependencies of bundles by delegating class loads and resource lookups between bundle class loaders.

Thankfully the netty networking JAR and jackson JSON JARs which the vert.x core JAR depends on ship with valid OSGi manifests.

As a sniff test that the manifest was valid, I tried deploying the vert.x core bundle in the Virgo kernel. This was simply a matter of placing the vert.x core bundle in the pickup directory and its dependencies in the repository/usr directory and then starting the kernel. The following console messages showed the vert.x core bundle was installed and resolved successfully:
<hd0001i> Hot deployer processing 'INITIAL' event for file ''.
<de0000i> Installing bundle 'org.vertx.core' version ''.
<de0001i> Installed bundle 'org.vertx.core' version ''.
<de0004i> Starting bundle 'org.vertx.core' version ''.
<de0005i> Started bundle 'org.vertx.core' version ''.
Using the Virgo shell, I then checked the wiring of the bundles:

osgi> ss
"Framework is launched."

id      State       Bundle
0       ACTIVE      org.eclipse.osgi_3.7.1.R37x_v20110808-1106
89      ACTIVE
90      ACTIVE      jackson-core-asl_1.9.4
91      ACTIVE      jackson-mapper-asl_1.9.4
92      ACTIVE      org.jboss.netty_3.4.2.Final

osgi> bundle 89 [89]
  Exported packages
    ...; version=""[exported]; version=""[exported]
  Imported packages
    org.jboss.netty.util; version="3.4.2.Final"< [92]>
    ...; version="1.9.4"<jackson-mapper-asl_1.9.4 [91]>
I also converted the vert.x platform JAR to an OSGi bundle in similar fashion as it was needed later.

Modularising Verticles

A typical verticle looks like this:
public class ServerExample extends Verticle {

  public void start() {
    vertx.createHttpServer().requestHandler(new Handler<httpserverrequest>() {
      public void handle(HttpServerRequest req) {
When the start method is called it creates a HTTP server, registers a handler with the server, and sets the server listening on a port. Apart from the body of the handler, the remainder of this code is boilerplate. So I decided to factor out the boilerplate into a common OSGi bundle (org.vertx.osgi) and replace the verticle with a modular verticle bundle containing the handler and some declarative metadata equivalent to the boilerplate. The common OSGi bundle uses the whiteboard pattern to listen for specific kinds of services in the OSGi service registry, create boilerplate based on the metadata, and register the handler with the resultant HTTP server.

Let's look at the modular verticle bundle. Its code consists of a single HttpServerRequestHandler class:2
public final class HttpServerRequestHandler implements Handler<httpserverrequest> {

    public void handle(HttpServerRequest req) {

It also has declarative metadata in the form of service properties which are registered along with the handler in the OSGi service registry. I used the OSGi Blueprint service to do this, although I could have used OSGi Declarative Services or even registered the service programmatically using the OSGi API. The blueprint metadata is a file blueprint.xml in the bundle that looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<blueprint xmlns="">
    <service interface="" ref="handler">
            <entry key="type" value="HttpServerRequestHandler">
            <entry key="port" value="8090">
    <bean class="org.vertx.osgi.sample.basic.HttpServerRequestHandler"

This metadata declares that a HTTP server should be created (via the type service property), the handler registered with it, and the server set listening on port 8090 (via the port service property). This all happens courtesy of the whiteboard pattern when the org.vertx.osgi bundle is running as we'll see below.

Notice that the modular verticle depends only on the Handler and HttpServerRequest classes whereas the original verticle also depends on the Vertx, HttpServer, and Verticle classes. This also makes things quite a bit simpler for those of us who like unit testing (in addition to in-container testing) as fewer mocks or stubs are required.

So what do we now have? Two bundles to add to the bundles we installed earlier: an org.vertx.osgi bundle which encapsulates the boilerplate code and an application bundle representing a modular verticle. We also need a Blueprint service implementation -- as of Virgo 3.5, a Blueprint implementation is built in to the Virgo kernel. The following interaction diagram shows one possible sequence of events:

In OSGi, each bundle has its own lifecycle and in general bundles are designed so that they will function correctly regardless of the order in which they is started relative to other bundles. In the above example the assumed start order is: blueprint service, org.vertx.osgi bundle, modular verticle bundle. However, the org.vertx.osgi bundle could start after the modular verticle bundle and the end result will be the same: a server will be created and the modular verticle bundle's handler registered with the server and the server set listening. If the blueprint service is started after the org.vertx.osgi and modular verticle bundles, then the org.vertx.osgi bundle won't detect the modular verticle bundle's handler service appear in the service registry until the blueprint service has started, but then the end result will again be the same.

The github project contains the source for some sample modular verticles: a basic HTTP vertical (which runs on port 8090) and a sockjs verticle (which runs on port 8091). The org.vertx.osgi bundle needed more code to support sockjs and the modular sockjs verticle needed to provide a sockjs handler in addition to a HTTP handler.

Modularising BusMods

The MongoDB persistor is a typical example of a busmod which processes messages from the event bus:
public class MongoPersistor extends BusModBase implements Handler<message<jsonobject>> {

  private String address;
  private String host;
  private int port;
  private String dbName;

  private Mongo mongo;
  private DB db;

  public void start() {

    address = getOptionalStringConfig("address", "vertx.mongopersistor");
    host = getOptionalStringConfig("host", "localhost");
    port = getOptionalIntConfig("port", 27017);
    dbName = getOptionalStringConfig("db_name", "default_db");

    try {
      mongo = new Mongo(host, port);
      db = mongo.getDB(dbName);
      eb.registerHandler(address, this);
    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
      logger.error("Failed to connect to mongo server", e);

  public void stop() {

  public void handle(Message<jsonobject> message) {

Again there is a mixture of boilerplate code (to register the event bus handler), start/stop logic, configuration handling, and the event bus handler itself. I applied a similar approach to the other verticles and separated out the boilerplate code into the org.vertx.osgi bundle leaving the handler and metadata (including configuration) in a modular busmod. The persistor's dependency on the MongoDB client JAR (mongo.jar) is convenient because this JAR ships with a valid OSGi manifest.

Here's the blueprint.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<blueprint xmlns="">
    <service ref="handler" interface="">
            <entry key="type" value="EventBusHandler"/>
            <entry key="address" value="vertx.mongopersistor"/>
    <bean id="handler" class="org.vertx.osgi.mod.mongo.MongoPersistor"
        <argument type="java.lang.String"><value>localhost</value></argument>
        <argument type="int"><value>27017</value></argument>
        <argument type="java.lang.String"><value>default_db</value></argument>
Notice that the boilerplate configuration consists of the handler type and event bus address. The other configuration (host, port, and database name) is specific to the MongoDB persistor.

Here's the modular MongoDB busmod code:
public class MongoPersistor extends BusModBase
                            implements Handler<Message<JsonObject>> {

    private final String host;

    private final int port;

    private final String dbName;

    private final Mongo mongo;

    private final DB db;

    public MongoPersistor(String host, int port, String dbName)
           throws UnknownHostException, MongoException { = host;
        this.port = port;
        this.dbName = dbName;

        this.mongo = new Mongo(host, port);
        this.db = this.mongo.getDB(dbName);

    public void stop() {

    public void handle(Message<JsonObject> message) {

The code still extends BusModBase simply because BusModBase provides several convenient helper methods. Again the resultant code is simpler and easier to unit test than the non-modular equivalent.

Modularising Event Bus Clients

Finally, I needed a modular verticle to test the modular MongoDB persistor. All this verticle needs to do is to post an appropriate message to the event bus. Normal vert.x verticles obtain the event bus using the Vertx class, but I used the Blueprint service again, this time to look up the event bus service in the service registry and inject it into the modular verticle. I also extended the org.vertx.osgi bundle to publish the event bus service in the service registry.

The blueprint.xml for the modular event bus client is as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<blueprint xmlns="">

    <reference id="eventBus" interface=""/>

    <bean class="org.vertx.osgi.sample.mongo.MongoClient">
        <argument ref="eventBus"/>
        <argument type="java.lang.String">
Then the modular event bus client code is straightforward:

public final class MongoClient {

    public MongoClient(EventBus eventBus, String address) {
        JsonObject msg = ...
        eventBus.send(address, msg,
                      new Handler<Message<JsonObject>>(){...});


Taking it for a Spin

1. I've made all the necessary OSGi bundles available in the bundles directory in git. You can grab them either by cloning the git repository:

git clone git://

or by downloading a zip of the git repo.

2. vert.x requires Java 7, so set up a terminal shell to use Java 7. Ensure the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set correctly. (If you can't get Java 7 right now, you'll see some errors when the bundles are deployed to OSGi and you won't be able to run the samples in steps 8 and 9.)

3. If you are an OSGi user, simply install and start the bundles in your favourite OSGi framework or container and skip to step 8. If not, then use the copy of the Virgo kernel in the git repository as follows.

4. Change directory to the virgo-kernel-... directory in your local copy of the git repo.

5. On UNIX, issue:

bin/ -clean

or on Windows, issue:

bin\startup.bat -clean

6. The Virgo kernel should start and deploy the various bundles in its pickup directory:
  • org.vertx.osgi bundle (org.vertx.osgi-0.0.1.jar)
  • HTTP sample modular verticle (org.vertx.osgi.sample.basic-1.0.0.jar)
  • SockJS sample modular verticle (org.vertx.osgi.sample.sockjs-1.0.0.jar)
  • MongoDB persistor sample modular busmod (org.vertx.osgi.mods.mongo-1.0.0.jar)
7. If you want to see which bundles are now running, start the Virgo shell from another terminal:

telnet localhost 2501

and use the ss or lb commands to summarise the installed bundles. The help command will list the other  commands available and disconnect will get you out of the Virgo shell. Here's typical output of the ss command:
89      ACTIVE      org.vertx.osgi_0.0.1
90      ACTIVE      jackson-core-asl_1.9.4
91      ACTIVE      jackson-mapper-asl_1.9.4
92      ACTIVE      org.jboss.netty_3.4.2.Final
93      ACTIVE
94      ACTIVE      org.vertx.osgi.mods.mongo_1.0.0
95      ACTIVE      com.mongodb_2.7.2
96      ACTIVE
97      ACTIVE      org.vertx.osgi.sample.basic_1.0.0
98      ACTIVE      org.vertx.osgi.sample.sockjs_1.0.0
and of the lb command (which includes the more descriptive Bundle-Name headers):
   89|Active     |    4|vert.x OSGi Integration (0.0.1)
   90|Active     |    4|Jackson JSON processor (1.9.4)
   91|Active     |    4|Data mapper for Jackson JSON processor (1.9.4)
   92|Active     |    4|The Netty Project (3.4.2.Final)
   93|Active     |    4|vert.x Core (
   94|Active     |    4|MongoDB BusMod (1.0.0)
   95|Active     |    4|MongoDB (2.7.2)
   96|Active     |    4|vert.x Platform (
   97|Active     |    4|Sample Basic HTTP Verticle (1.0.0)
   98|Active     |    4|Sample SockJS Verticle (1.0.0)

8. You can now use a web browser to try out the basic HTTP sample at localhost:8090 which should respond "hello" or the SockJS sample at http://localhost:8091 which should display a box into which you can type some text and a button which, when clicked, produces a pop-up:

9. If you want to try the (headless) MongoDB event bus client, download MondoDB and start it locally on its default port and then copy org.vertx.osgi.sample.mongo-1.0.0.jar from the bundles directory to Virgo's pickup directory. As soon as this bundle starts, it will send a message to the event bus and drive the MongoDB persistor to update the database. If  you don't want to use MongoDB to check that an update was made, take a look in Virgo's logs (in serviceability/logs/log.log) to see some System.out lines like the following that confirmed something happened:
System.out Sending message: {action=save, document={x=y}, collection=vertx.osgi} 
System.out Message sent 
System.out Message response {_id=95..., status=ok}

OSGi and vert.x Modularity

In this case study the various sample OSGi bundles all depend on, and share, the vert.x core bundle. Each bundle is loaded in its own class loader and OSGi controls the delegation of class loading and resource lookups according to how the OSGi bundles are wired together. In the same way, verticles written as OSGi bundles are free to depend on, and share, other OSGi bundles.

This is quite different from the vert.x module system in which any module (other than a busmod) which a verticle depends on is loaded into the same class loader as the verticle.

The advantages of the OSGi module system are that a single copy of each module is installed in the system and is visible to and may be managed by tools such as the Virgo shell. It also minimises footprint.

The advantages of the vert.x module system are that there is no sharing of modules between verticles so a badly-written module could not inadvertently or deliberately leak information between independent verticles. Also, there is a separate copy of each (non-busmod) module for each verticle that uses it and so the module can be written without worrying about thread safety as each copy will only be executed on its verticle's thread. OSGi users may, however, be happy to require reusable modules to be thread-safe and manage any mutable static data carefully to avoid leakage between threads.

Replacing the Container?

When I raised the topic of embedding vert.x in OSGi, the leader of vert.x, Tim Fox, asked me whether I was writing a replacement for the current container, to which I replied "not really". I said this because I liked vert.x's event driven programming model and its threading model, which seem to be part of "the container". But I was trying to replace a couple of aspects of the vert.x container: the module system and the way verticles register handlers.

Later it struck me that perhaps the notion of "the container" as a monolithic entity is a little odd in a modular system and it might be better to think of multiple, separate notions of containment which could then be combined in different ways to suit different users. However, the subtle interaction between the class loading and threading models seen above shows that the different notions of containment can depend on each other. I wonder what others think about the notion of "the container"?


vert.x's claim that it can be embedded in other applications is essentially validated since the OSGi framework is a fairly exacting application.

The vert.x module system, although not providing isolation between modules, does neatly provide isolation between applications (comprising verticles and their modules) and it enables modules to be written without paying attention to thread safety.

One vert.x issue was raised2 which should make vert.x easier to embed in other environments with custom class loaders.

vert.x could follow the example of netty, jackson, and MongoDB JARs and include OSGi manifests in its core and platform JARs to avoid OSGi users having to convert these JARs to OSGi bundles. I will leave this to someone else to propose as I cannot gauge the demand for using vert.x inside OSGi.

Running vert.x in OSGi addresses some outstanding vert.x requirements such as how to automate in-container tests (OSGi has a number of solutions including Pax Exam while Virgo has a integration test framework) and how to develop verticles and deploy them to vert.x under control of the IDE (see the Virgo IDE tooling guide). Virgo also provides numerous ancillary benefits including the admin shell for inspecting and managing bundles and verticles, sophisticated diagnostics, and much more (see the Virgo white paper for details).

The exercise also had some nice spin-offs for Virgo. Bug 370253 was fixed which was the only known issue in running Virgo under Java 7. Virgo 3.5 depends on Gemini Blueprint which broke in this environment and so bug 379384 was raised and fixed. I used the new Eclipse-based Virgo tooling to develop the various bundles and run them in Virgo. As a consequence, I found a few small issues in the tooling which will be addressed in due course.

Finally, running vert.x on the Virgo kernel is a further validation that the kernel is suitable for building custom server runtimes since now we have vert.x in addition to Tomcat, Jetty, and one or two custom servers running on the kernel.

  1. I worked in the CICS development team in my IBM days. A colleague at SpringSource gave me a "CICS Does That!" T-shirt soon after we'd started working together. Old habits die hard.
  2. The modular vertical currently needs to intercept vert.x's resource lookup logic so that files in the bundle can easily be served. It would be much better for this common code to move to the org.vertx.osgi bundle, but this requires vert.x issue 161 to be implemented first.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Temporary simplification

New software projects or products are often introduced which take an existing, successful piece of software and offer similar function, but in a much simpler way.

Sometimes there is a genuine improvement by capturing the gist of the requirements in a much more general way. Take git for example. If you've used certain older version control systems, git seems like a dream come true. This is because git's underlying design cracks the version control problem really neatly. Branching and merging is no longer a sweat. It just works.

But other times a new piece of software only appears simpler than an established alternative because it hasn't yet had time to meet all the requirements. I've noticed this mostly in applications. Newer versions of Apple mail have (useful) features deleted. Google appear to be systematically ruining their applications in the search for simplicity. This kind of temporary simplification where, as important features are added back over time, the result ends up being no simpler than the original, seems like a bit of a con to me.

I'd be interested in other people's views on this phenomenon. Is temporary simplification a good way of appealing to a new group of users or is it a failure to make a genuine design improvement?

Friday, June 01, 2012

Gemini Blueprint 1.0.1.M01

Gemini Blueprint 1.0.1.M01 is available for download. The main highlight is the support for Spring 3.1.x. A full list of bugs in the milestone is here.

Kudos to Aaron Whiteside for providing the vast majority of the changes for this milestone. He is in the process of becoming a committer for Gemini Blueprint.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Virgo 3.0.3.RELEASE available

The latest service refresh Virgo 3.0.3.RELEASE is available for download. Please see the release notes for details.

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Virgo Experience at CME Group

At last week's EclipseCon, Jan Fetyko presented CME Group's experience of using Virgo. The slides make for an interesting read. The highlight for me was that they seemed pleased with snaps, although they found issues combining snaps and tiles. They haven't used the Virgo/Libra tooling so far, but I would hope that tooling is now sufficiently mature that they will be able to start using it soon.

The conclusions are interesting too:

  • Did not hit any Virgo bugs (yet), stable, didn’t experience any crashes
  • Problems only come from [application] code
  • Virgo 3.x release improved memory consumption comparing to 2.1
  • The learning curve is steep
  • Design for modularity upfront is important
  • Cannot go back to monolithic app
The last bullet really means they wouldn't want to go back to a monolithic app.

Thanks to Jan and CME Group for being so open about their activity.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Eclipse Virgo White Paper

I just published the first version of a white paper on Virgo. It summarises and pulls together much of the high-level technical information on the Virgo web site and should be a useful technical introduction to Virgo for newcomers.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Virgo and OSGi Subsystems

The OSGi Subsystems specification standardises the multi-bundle application constructs in various projects, including Virgo's plan and PAR files. The full spec will take quite a while to implement on Virgo, so as a tactical measure, we've implemented one of the main features of Subsystems which Virgo did not previously support: the ability for plans to share their contents and thus form a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) rather than a "forest" of trees.

Previously, if you deployed a plan which included artefacts that were already deployed, either on their own or as part of another plan, the plan would fail to deploy. With the DAG support, the plan will share the artefacts which were already deployed. The artefacts are undeployed when they are no longer needed.

Here's an example where two plans share some artefacts (B is a plan with a single child artefact C):

Artefacts Shared Between Plans

This is the key functional change in Virgo 3.5.0.M03 which is available for download today. See the release notes for more details.

Meanwhile the Subsystems spec is available as a draft and should be finalised in the next month or so.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

CME Group and Virgo

Today CME Group released an official statement about their use of Virgo. This is posted under the "Virgo Powered" section of the Virgo home page, but the full text is also reproduced below.

I'm delighted both that CME Group are using Virgo and that such a large player in the finance area was happy to go public.

CME Group, formerly known as Chicago Mercantile Exchange Holdings Inc., was founded in 1898 and operates the CME, CBOT, NYMEX, and COMEX regulatory exchanges worldwide. It is the world’s leading derivatives marketplace with 2570 full time employees and a market capitalisation of over $15B.

CME Group kindly released the following information in January 2012.

At CME Group, the goals for our project were to use and create a platform that would be easy to maintain, expand and reuse. Our applications are of various sizes and complexities, but there are certain aspects that are common, which was the reason to find a very modular solution. In particular, our current efforts are in Surveillance tools which allow monitoring the state of the exchange and the market.

We started using Virgo 2.0.1 during a “proof of concept” in November of 2010 and spent 2011 working closely with them to build the application. Today we use version 3.0.1. with 48 service bundles and 20 web bundles. These services range from simple DAO type services, through authorization and authentication, web services, and even distributed caching. All web bundles use snaps and customized apache tiles views.

What Virgo and OSGi provides for us is complete modularity and plug-and-play capability. This enables us to work more intelligently with other teams who need to build bundles independently of us where the strong isolation of services and APIs allows for a clear separation of control. We have created a core set of services that will be a platform for future projects across CME Group and are already actively building two projects on top of that platform. Having Virgo bundled with Apache’s Tomcat also helped in deciding which container to use as our projects are mostly web applications.

Thursday, January 05, 2012

Virgo Nano Technology

The first milestone of Virgo 3.5.0 is available. It introduces two significant new features: p2 support (covered previously) and a new Virgo distribution known as nano. (Apologies for the pun in the blog title - it was too hard to resist.)

Nano is essentially a cut-down version of Virgo which starts up really fast and has a single (kernel) region. It is intended for simpler scenarios where you don't need to isolate applications from each other or from the kernel.

The current nano distribution includes Gemini Web and so is a fully-functional OSGi web server which starts in about 3 seconds (compared to Virgo Tomcat/Jetty Server which take about 9-10 seconds). However, we plan to factor out Gemini Web so that nano becomes a small/fast subset of the Virgo kernel. We will then provide a separate distribution which adds Gemini Web to nano, as in the first milestone.

As well as introducing nano, the milestone re-bases the kernel and the Tomcat/Jetty servers on nano. Initial provisioning via p2, with full instructions in the user guide, is provided for all distributions in addition to the familiar ZIP file installs (the ZIP contents are now constructed using p2 at build time). All distributions use a regular Equinox directory layout and launcher which will simplify third party tooling integration (e.g. Pax Exam). A short-term downside is that we need to update the Virgo IDE tooling to work with Virgo 3.5.0.

The current nano distribution can also dynamically provision content via p2 which is particularly useful for automated or cloud deployments. (We tried to implement this for the multi-region kernel and Tomcat/Jetty servers, but that was beyond the scope of the current p2 design, so we've put it on hold.)

There is also a nice engineering side-effect of the introduction of nano: we are starting to refactor the kernel — by far the most complex Virgo component — and move the more general, region-agnostic features down into nano.

The following picture summarises the distributions we anticipate in Virgo 3.5.0:

As well as being the fruit of several months of effort, this first milestone kicks off Virgo development in 2012 in a very exciting way.


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