Monday, May 09, 2011

Opening up the Enterprise Bundle Repository

We'd like to enable the SpringSource Enterprise Bundle Repository to turn into a shared community resource.

As a first, small step in that direction, I've made available the EBR build system (a few Ant/Ivy scripts) and some sample bundle projects on github. If you want to try it out, clone the repository and refer to doc/README.txt.

The idea is that the community will be able to add bundles to this repository and then the content can be hosted in some cloud storage similar to the way the SpringSource EBR is hosted in Amazon S3.


  1. Sounds like an excellent idea!

  2. Anonymous3:06 PM

    great :)

  3. Are the build scripts for the current libraries in EBR available?

    They would be very handy as a starting point to update many of the libraries in EBR that are out of date.

  4. @Raman - if you are referring to the .libd libraries, these were built by hand.

  5. No, I mean the sources for the build scripts for all bundles in EBR... I guess those sources are proprietary to SpringSource?

  6. The build scripts are open sourced on github already. See the link in the blog post.

  7. Specifically, the build scripts are in the repo-build directory.

  8. @Glyn -- Perhaps I am not making myself clear. Let me give an example.

    Let's say I want to update Quartz from the latest available in EBR from 1.6.2 to the current version 2.1.x.

    Where do I find the sources to bundle version 1.6.2, which would be extremely useful as a starting point for bundling version 2.1.x?

  9. @Raman: thanks for the clarification - I was hung up on the term "scripts". The bundlor templates used to produce EBR bundles are not published, but I agree that would be useful and I'll look into it.

  10. @Glyn That would be great. With SpringSource not maintaining EBR any longer, a critical resource for OSGi development is slowly bleeding away. An open source replacement that can leverage the work already done by SpringSource would be awesome.

    I also have my own EBR-like OSGi repository with a bunch of libraries I have bundled for my own use (with the associated bnd templates and related build scripts) that I was thinking of open sourcing. I'll need to do some work to get it into a publishable state however, since as with most private projects, there are "customizations" in there that would have to be removed, as well as some licensing issues addressed.

    But in general I would be open to combining these efforts in the longer run.

  11. Hi Glyn, and update on the bundlor templates?

  12. Thanks for the reminder. See here.

  13. Awesome Glyn, these templates are an excellent resource.

    I will likely start submitting pull requests for new libs in org.bundlerepo pretty soon.

    I noticed, however, that ivy-cache-dir gets modified when I run a bundle build. Should there be a gitignore for ivy-cache-dir?

  14. Yes, there should be a gitignore for the Ivy cache directory. Please would you include that in your first pull request as I'm not in bundlerepo currently and may forget.
