Monday, February 26, 2007

JSR 291 Reference Implementation candidate

Alex's mention of the release of Eclipse driver 3.3M5eh (Canadian for "3.3M5a") reminds me to mention that the 3.3M5 version of Equinox is the current candidate for a Reference Implementation for JSR 291.

Download it here if you want to try out any of the new features mentioned in the PR draft.

Note that Equinox hasn't changed between 3.3M5 and 3.3M5eh.

Thanks to Tom Watson for another interpretation of "eh".


  1. Glyn, if you put 'protocol=http&r=1' onto the URL then it auto-bounces you without the having to go through a mirror step.

    This helps people to right-click and download, as opposed to clicking on something that looks like a file but is in fact an HTML page.

    You can right-click on this link to download the actual org.eclipse.osgi_3.3.0.v20070208.jar directly.

    I just wish the product teams would do more of this rather than me having to post new links each time something gets released.

  2. That's a neat trick - I updated my original link. Thanks.

    Does it pick a local mirror automatically?

  3. It uses essentially the mirror that's at the top of the list when you navigate to the download page automatically. I believe that the mirror is weighted with the GeoIP range, but that's sometimes not correct -- and in any case, mirrors geographically closest aren't necessarily the closest on the internet.

    I've seen some local UK ones displayed at the top whenever I've navigated there, so presumably it does something intelligent. It also includes the master occasionally too.

    PS if you ever get a 404 from one of these, it's because the server doesn't stock it (say, it only mirrors milestone builds). In that case, just click on the link again and you'll be redirected to a new mirror.

    Denis can give you more background on how the mirrors are selected (webmaster) at Eclipse.


  4. Ok. Thanks Alex!
