Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Leaving IBM

Today I handed in my resignation and will be leaving IBM on November 5. I've had a very enjoyable 26 years here in Hursley working on a variety of projects from workstation graphics algorithms to high-end transaction servers. A year ago I expected to work in IBM until retirement, but I had no idea what an interesting opportunity was about to open up a few miles down the road.

Although I'll still be involved with OSGi, I'll be handing over the job of representing IBM on the JSR 277 and 294 Expert Groups to someone else. I'll be lucky to find anything else quite so contentious to blog about, although I'll still be very interested in the outcome and may find something to say.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Hope for interoperation between JSR 277 and JSR 291

Infoq and Alex Miller picked up on my recent comments about the somewhat closed approach being adopted by JSR 277. Since the whole concept of interoperation between JSR 277 and JSR 291 seems to be doubted, I thought I'd better provide some reassurance.

The saving grace of both these JSRs is that they ultimately boil down to delegation networks between module class loaders. So there is a lingua franca lurking not very far under the surface. Granted the views presented to the module developer are quite different in detail.

Quite a while ago, I wrote a prototype module system interoperation framework, described in more detail here, to start to flesh out how these JSRs could interoperate. I regard it more of an existence proof that a reasonable solution may exist. However, it requires 'cutting' into the module systems at a deeper level than I think is currently being considered by the JSR 277 spec. lead and colleagues.

We discussed some of the options in an informal Expert Group meeting at JavaOne, but all we really concluded was that there was a lot of work ahead to get interoperation working smoothly. I think there is also a consensus among the interested parties that reasonable interoperation is essential to the success of JSR 277. So the sooner we can get more eyes, and brains, on the current proposal, the better.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


FeatherCast occasionally has interesting short podcasts about goings on in Apache.

Today I noticed a Google advert on the site for humane poultry slaughter tools, presumably targetting open source, free range chicken farmers.

Friday, September 07, 2007

How to run a JSR Expert Group

The modus operandum of the JSR 277 Expert Group is fascinating.

Strawman proposals are developed in private by the spec. lead, colleagues from Sun, and occasionally one or two others from elsewhere. These are then presented to the Expert Group for comment. After more or less debate, the spec. lead asserts the consensus and the strawman goes forward for inclusion in the draft spec. Typically, there can be a change of position when something small is clearly broken, but significant design changes and smaller tweaks tend to be resisted.

On the whole, the real JSR 277 contributors are working in private and the so-called Expert Group acts as a sounding board without any significant influence on the outcome. Some would call this rubber-stamping.

I'm trying to change this on one crucial front - that of interoperation between JSR 277 and JSR 291. But progress is dreadfully slow.

Apparently, interoperation prototypes are being developed and thinking is going on, but none of this is visible to the Expert Group or the broader community. This is a bit odd as a modules project has been set up on OpenJDK, so I would have expected that kind of prototyping to go on in a branch or subdirectory for early feedback from others.

It's worrying because the OSGi experts, Richard Hall and myself, in the JSR 277 Expert Group and the others in the JSR 291 Expert Group are not currently able to help. By the time we see a strawman, it may be too late to make any significant changes.

Clearly my experience of Apache and Eclipse is no guide to the way things happen in OpenJDK. Similarly, my experience of other standards bodies is also no guide to how a JSR Expert Group is necessarily run.